Podcast Collection

Spreading the Word

Speaking as Host and Guest


Remember a world pre-podcasts?! Is almost unthinkable now!

With over 20 million of us in the UK alone tuning in to our favourite shows every day while we’re driving, walking, running, sitting on the train or bus – and of course, cycling!

The growing popularity of podcasts has provided an easy and accessible way for me to spread the word about the benefits and experience of ultra-distance bike racing and touring while promoting equal opportunities in the world of outdoors sports.

Here are a few links for your earworms:

Jenny Graham Round The World Podcast

Made in collaboration with Adventurous Audio shares the nitty gritty of days on the road. Hosted by the wonderful Pennie Latin.

Mark Beaumont’s Endurance 

In this first Episode of the Endurance podcast Laura and Mark chat to Jenny Graham, Fiona Kolbinger and James Hayden, three well-known names in the ultra-endurance road cycling world.


In this episode, Jenny and James cover a lot of interesting ground: from Jenny's world record as the fastest female to cycle unsupported around the world to James's impressive endurance race podium finishes. They talk about what it's like to ride through the night to see the next day's sunrise. They discuss their different approaches to doing what is ultimately the same thing (going really fast on really, really long bike rides). They crack countless jokes. They laugh...a lot. And they also reflect on life lessons they've learned along the way.

Brand Testing & Development

I work with great sporting goods brands, creating content, developing product ideas and putting them through their paces. You can guarantee that if I use a product, it has been tested to the max! Doing business with companies that have an appropriate ethos is important to me, as is having a good connection with the people involved. 

Currently I ride with GPS, Sonder Bikes, Restrap bike luggage, 7Mesh Clothing, OFB Wheels, and Ritchey Logic Components.